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Forming Men and Women for ministry

Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology of the Diocese of Cleveland prepares candidates for the Catholic priesthood while also serving as a center for advanced theological education. 

General Information

Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology
Center for Pastoral Leadership
28700 Euclid Ave.
Wickliffe, OH 44092
Fax: 440-943-7577

Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, at the Center for Pastoral Leadership, is located in western Lake County at Wickliffe, Ohio, 14 miles from the center of Cleveland. Euclid Avenue (U.S. Route 20) runs along the front of the campus on the north; Bishop Road borders it on the east. Proximity to several major interstates    (I-90, I-71, I-271) makes the Seminary easily accessible.

Contact an Office 

Office of the President-Rector
Executive Secretary:  Angie Pavlik

Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Philip Guban

Office of the Academic Dean
Sister Mary McCormick, OSU, PhD

Office of the Registrar,
Assistant Academic Dean
Sr. M. Brendon Zajac, SND, DMin

Office of the Accounting Manager
Theresa Damel

Director of Library Services
Alan Rome, MLS

Thinking about the Priesthood?

If you are considering a vocation to the Roman Catholic priesthood, please contact Father Eric Garris, Vocation Director, at or consult the Vocation website for the Diocese of Cleveland:

Permanent Diaconate Formation

If you are interested in the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program and the Master of Arts in Diaconal Ministry Degree, contact Dc. George Malec, Director.

The Diaconate Formation Office is responsible for the formation of men seeking to pursue a vocation to the permanent diaconate. It is our mission to inform and guide applicants in vocation discernment during the period of Aspirancy and Candidacy and to provide the human, spiritual, pastoral and academic formation to aspirants and candidates for possible ordination as Deacons, and appropriate formation and support to their wives (if married) and families.


Lay Ecclesial Ministry Office

For inquiries about the Lay Ecclesial Ministry program, please contact Erin Raines

A “certified Lay Ecclesial Minister” is someone who has been formally accepted into the diocesan certification process, completed successfully all aspects of formation, and who has been “authorized” to serve in the diocese, as a Lay Ecclesial Minister, by the Bishop of Cleveland.

The call to Lay Ecclesial Ministry is a gift from God that is discerned by the individual in conversation with their parish priest, other ecclesial ministers, their spiritual director and the Church. The Diocese Office of Lay Ecclesial Ministry  serves as part of the discernment.